Monthly Archives: January 2017


Wanted: Contractor to maintain lights on North Broad St.

2017-11-12T10:30:51-05:00January 26th, 2017|News|

A contractor is needed to maintain the North Broad Streetscape Project light poles along North Broad Street. North Broad Renaissance, a community development organization, extended the request for proposals for a contractor to order and install LED lights for the 55-foot-tall poles, maintain the upkeep of the art installation and provide emergency repairs. The first [...]

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How a North Broad Street community is trying to fix the $14 million pole problem

2017-04-01T21:25:02-04:00January 26th, 2017|News|

You can’t miss North Broad’s poles, and that’s part of the problem. The 41 of them standing in the street’s medians look like really tall basketball goals — minus the hoops — during the day. At night, when they’re supposed to shine, they either don’t, or they light up in shades so different from one another [...]

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The North Broad Poles in search of new contractor

2017-11-12T10:30:51-05:00January 26th, 2017|News|

The “North Poles” on North Broad Street are still in search of a contractor to maintain them, more than a year after the city installed the 42 light masts in the center of the corridor. The non-profit community development group North Broad Renaissance has extended an RFP (request for proposals) for a contractor who can [...]

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