North Broad Renaissance Celebrates the Release State of North Broad 2016 Report

//North Broad Renaissance Celebrates the Release State of North Broad 2016 Report

North Broad Renaissance Celebrates the Release State of North Broad 2016 Report

First birthdays are a time of great reflection and planning, and the initial anniversary of a revival effort for North Broad Street, realized this past June, was met with the expected looking back and planning forward.

North Broad Renaissance (NBR) released its report “The State of North Broad 2016” on December 15th at a presentation for approximately 200 of NBR’s supporters at the Pennsylvania Convention Center.

A celebration as much as a release party, all who entered the hall were greeted like arriving celebrities with cheers and applause from two dozen volunteers in orange North Broad Renaissance T-shirts.


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2016-12-27T15:22:54-05:00December 27th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on North Broad Renaissance Celebrates the Release State of North Broad 2016 Report

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