
North Broad Renaissance Cleaning Ambassadors (or those guys in orange) clean the NBR entire service area. They work six days a week to help keep North Broad Street beautiful. Thanks to their commitment, North Broad Street has gone from a four in the litter index to a 2.3.

In addition, the North Broad Quality Service Ambassadors support the work of our cleaning team by helping to report quality-of-life issues that include graffiti removal and reporting any code violations.

FACT: “Living in a clean environment makes life healthier, less stressful, and more pleasant. It can improve the self-image of residents and the neighborhood as a whole. A neighborhood that smells like garbage or looks like a dump is an undesirable place to live and work.”

– Kansas City University.

In 2023, the NBR Cleaning Ambassadors collected over 15,000 pounds of trash.

Services we Provide:

  • Cleaning Ambassadors

  • Garbage Removal

  • Gutter and Curb Cleaning

  • Graffiti Removal

  • Human Waste Removal

  • Collaborating with the City of Philadelphia

Make a Service Request

If your business is located within the North Broad Renaissance service area, you qualify to receive supplemental services from the North Broad Renaissance operations team members. Fill out the following form below to make your request. As always, please also call 311 if your request falls under the jurisdiction of the City of Philadelphia.