North Broad Renaissance
The North Broad Renaissance is the nationally recognized, non-profit manager of both the North Broad Business Improvement and North Broad Special Service District. The organization is doing the important work of vitalizing North Broad Street by improving its economic vitality and overall quality of life from City Hall to Butler Street. Our work around cleaning, greening, safety, business attraction, business retention, and employment is directly impacting more than 50,000 residents, in eight neighborhoods, and helping to increase the median income in the district.
We love your commitment to making life along North Broad more community-oriented — we need that kind of progress.
– Rend (Pita Chip)
The ultimate goal for the North Broad Renaissance is community vitalization.
Why North Broad?
Over the last seven years, the NBR has worked with communities to implement various clean, safe, and quality-of-life issues. For the next five years, the NBR will work to transform the corridor from an auto-oriented drive-through corridor to a pedestrian-friendly, successful, vibrant, highly desirable, diverse, mixed-use community.