Mayor Parker signs bills on gun bump stocks, speed cams, evictions in Philly
Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker signed three bills — all focused on elements of public safety — into law on Tuesday afternoon.
In a statement ahead of the day’s event, Parker’s office said that the move is intended to support the city’s “ongoing efforts to protect the public from the dangers of rate-of-fire acceleration devices (guns), excessive speeding on major roadways, and evictions.”
The bills have all made it through City Council and have been on Parker’s desk awaiting her signature.
On bump stocks and other devices that can be used to increase the rate-of-fire of firearms, Parker is expected to sign legislation that would ban the manufacturing, sale and possession of any such item in the City of Philadelphia.
On Tuesday, Parker celebrated the bill as a collaborative effort between City Council and her office in order to make an effort to prevent gun violence.

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